Chai Ka Masala Recipe

Chai Ka Masala Recipe (Tea Masala): Enhancing the Aroma of Masala Tea

Snacks Recipes

Chai Ka Masala Recipe: Chai Masala Powder stands as a meticulously concocted amalgamation, meticulously formulated to transcend the ordinary realm of milk tea, metamorphosing it into an exquisite, aromatic elixir. Its intricate dry composition not only amplifies its sensory allure but also endows it with a protracted shelf life, rendering it suitable for preservation and utilization over an extensive temporal span post-preparation.

Chai Masala


Chai Ka Masala Recipe

  • 100 grams (3/4 cup) dried ginger (Sonth)
  • 10 grams (2 tablespoons) cinnamon
  • 5 grams (1 tablespoon) cloves
  • 5-7 grams (1 tablespoon) whole black pepper, optional
  • 10 grams (2 tablespoons) green cardamom

Chai Masala


Chai Ka Masala Recipe

Prepare Ingredients:

  • Meticulously assemble all the components enumerated in the ingredients section.
  • If the dimensions of the ginger fragments tend toward excess, engage in the reduction of their size by employing a mortar and pestle.

Grinding Process:

  • Introduce dried ginger to the confines of a diminutive receptacle within a mixer grinder, heavy-duty blender, or coffee grinder.
  • Engage in the grinding process until a state of medium-coarse powder is achieved.
  • Subsequently, incorporate cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, and cardamom into the grinding apparatus.
  • Execute another grinding iteration, ensuring the attainment of a medium-coarse consistency, while eschewing the transformation into an excessively fine powder.

Chai Masala


  • The resultant chai masala powder is now poised for utilization.
  • Transfer it to an hermetically sealed container, and its quality shall endure for a period extending up to a year.

Tips and Variations:

Chai Ka Masala Recipe

  • Opting for a subdued ginger essence is an option; in this case, a reduced quantity of 1/2 cup dried ginger is advised.
  • For a singular serving of masala chai, deploy an approximate measure of 1/4 teaspoon of Chai Ka Masala Recipe powder, albeit subject to adjustment in accordance with individual gustatory inclinations.
  • Should there be a predilection for a grander quantum, the constituent quantities can be augmented, aligning with personal predilections.

Chai Masala

Taste: The resultant flavor profile is one characterized by a tantalizing interplay of spiciness and aromatics.


In summation, Chai Ka Masala Recipe powder emerges as an intricate and enduring spice amalgamation, poised to imbue a mundane tea-drinking experience with a touch of opulence. The liberty to tailor the recipe to individual tastes invites aficionados to revel in the nuanced interplay of spiciness and aromatic richness in each indulgence of masala chai.


About Chai Ka Masala Recipe

Q1: What is the temporal scope of freshness for Chai Ka Masala Recipe powder?

A1: Chai Ka Masala Recipe powder asserts its freshness for a substantial duration of up to a year, provided it is housed within an impervious container in a temperate, desiccated environment.

Q2: Can the intensity of ginger flavor in the masala powder be customized?

A2: Affirmative! For those inclined towards a milder ginger infusion, an abridged measure of 1/2 cup of dried ginger can be employed in the formulation.

Q3: What is the recommended dosage of chai masala powder for a solitary cup of masala chai?

A3: For an individual serving, an estimated 1/4 teaspoon of chai masala powder is proffered, though alterations can be executed in accordance with idiosyncratic preferences.

Q4: Is there an allowance for the preparation of an expanded batch of chai masala powder?

A4: Undoubtedly, the quantities of ingredients can be magnified to orchestrate a larger batch, contingent on personalized utilization proclivities.

Q5: How would the gustatory characteristics of chai masala powder be characterized?

A5: The flavor profile of chai masala powder is distinguished by a harmonious blend of spiciness and aromatics, serving to augment the overall palatability of masala tea.

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