Lemon Iced Tea Recipe | Iced Tea

North Indian Recipes

Introduction: Lemon Iced Tea Recipe

Lemon Iced Tea Recipe: Lemon iced tea is a delightful summer beverage that’s both refreshing and easy to make. With just a handful of straightforward ingredients, you can swiftly concoct a batch of this delicious beverage. Here, I’ll share step-by-step instructions for preparing my foolproof lemon iced tea recipe, perfect for quenching your thirst on hot summer days.

About Lemon Iced Tea Recipe:

This lemon iced tea recipe is a fantastic way to enjoy a cooling and delicious beverage at home. Similar to other fruit-infused teas, such as mango iced tea, it offers a sweet and tangy flavor that’s sure to please your taste buds. With only four main ingredients – black tea powder (or tea leaves), sugar, water, and lemon – you can customize this recipe to suit your preferences and enjoy a refreshing glass of iced tea anytime.

Ingredients: Lemon Iced Tea Recipe

  • 5.25 cups water
  • 2 tbspn  black tea powder or black tea leaves or green tea leaves
  • 1/2 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice (adjust to taste)
  • Ice cubes, as needed
  • Few lemon slices for garnish (optional)

Instructions: Lemon Iced Tea Recipe

Steeping Tea:

  • In a pan, pour about 5.25 cups of water.
  • Heat the pan over medium flame until the water comes to a boil.
  • Once boiling, turn off the heat and add 2 tablespoons of black tea powder.
  • Stir in the sugar until fully dissolved.
  • Allow the tea leaves to steep in the hot water for 4 to 5 minutes. For a lighter tea flavor, steep for 2 to 3 minutes. If using green tea, steep for 2 minutes.
  • After steeping, add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and stir well.
  • Strain the lemon tea using a tea strainer into a steel or glass jar. Let it cool to room temperature before chilling in the fridge.

Making Iced Tea:

  • When ready to serve, add 4 to 5 ice cubes to each glass.
  • Optionally, add 1 to 2 lemon slices to each glass.
  • Pour the cooled lemon tea into the glasses.
  • Garnish with a lemon slice or mint leaves, if desired.
  • Serve immediately and stir before drinking.


  • If not serving the same day, refrigerate the lemon iced tea.
  • It keeps well for 2 to 3 days when refrigerated. Avoid leaving it at room temperature to prevent fermentation.
  • Enjoy your refreshing homemade lemon iced tea on a hot summer day or anytime you need a cooling beverage!


Making homemade Lemon Iced Tea Recipe is a simple and refreshing way to beat the summer heat. With just a few basic ingredients and easy-to-follow steps, you can enjoy a delicious and cooling beverage in no time. Whether you’re hosting a gathering or simply relaxing at home, this lemon iced tea recipe is sure to be a hit. So, grab your ingredients and start brewing your own batch of this delightful drink today!

FAQs about Lemon Iced Tea Recipe

FAQs About Lemon Iced Tea

Can I use green tea instead of black tea in this recipe?

Yes, you can substitute black tea with green tea leaves if you prefer. Steep green tea for about 2 minutes to avoid bitterness.

Can I adjust the sweetness and sourness of the lemon iced tea?

Absolutely! Feel free to adjust the amount of sugar and lemon juice according to your taste preferences. Start with the suggested quantities and add more or less as desired.

Can I skip the ice cubes if I’m using cold iced tea from the refrigerator?

Yes, you can skip adding ice cubes if your iced tea is already chilled from the refrigerator. Adjust according to your preference for temperature and dilution.

How long can I store the lemon iced tea in the refrigerator?

Lemon iced tea can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 days. Ensure it is kept refrigerated to prevent fermentation or spoilage.

Can I garnish the lemon iced tea with other ingredients besides lemon slices?

Absolutely! Get creative with your garnishes. Mint leaves, cucumber slices, or even berries can add a unique twist to your lemon iced tea presentation.

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